After creating Smooth Shake in 2022, and after thorough experimentation with different ways of shaking throughout the years in Unity, I created a tool in hopes to provide the ultimate solution for shaking anything:

Smooth Shake Pro.

You can shake position, rotation, scale, camera's FOV, rigidbodies with force and torque, material vector and float properties, cinemachine camera's, UI elements (and more to be added) in all dimensions by layering various noise types with a convenient preview window. It includes a custom shake timeline track for use in cutscenes and sequences that even allows you to blend different shakes together! And it comes with over 50 presets to get you started.

A huge thanks to Senior Technical Artist Wessel van der Es and the others at Triangle Studios for the help making this happen during my time there as a technical artist intern.

More info about the story behind Smooth Shake Pro here: